Monday, February 03, 2003

Victor Davis Hanson

From his most recent column:

"What brought down the Columbia over Texas was not, as our enemies in Iraq claim, an angry god, nor, as pessimists allege, nemesis for our imperial hubris — but physics itself and the fact we are quite puny humans after all. After over a decade and a half of nearly 100 routine flights, Americans had almost forgotten the near impossibility of missions that send men and women of mere flesh reentering through the sky 200,000 miles above earth's surface, in thin metal heated to 3,000 degrees, and at Mach-18 speeds."

Yep. Honestly, I still wonder why there aren't more plane crashes. We all need to get a sense of perspective on this.

(By the way, Hanson meant 200,000 feet, not miles...)

UPDATE: This has been fixed. Miller's error, as of now, remains uncorrected...

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